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Welcome to my page!

Hello, and welcome to my page! If you haven't guessed yet, I am Jareth, and I code as a hobby. I am a rising sophomore at the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign. In my spare time, I would usually dedicate some time to code, playing chess or CSGO/Valorant, or going out for a run. I usually post projects that I am currently working on.

All the projects I have are free to download to use.

SciOly at UIUC!

I have decided that I might start to put posts on this site regarding some of the work that I have been apart of or in the works with.

While my first year not competing in Science Olympiad has been interesting (especially with the pandemic cutting the season off short), I have met some amazing people involved in at the graduate level. In fact, I was fortunate to meet some people at UIUC that are actively involved in the Div D community. I found it astounding that amongst a school with no Science Olympiad group, there were a herd of us that wanted to help spread the experience of Science Olympiad to others.

Towards the end of the school year, we all collectively got together and decided we are going to be making our own Science Olympiad student organization!! We are still currently working on logistics, but we plan on being registered by the fall in time for Quad Day!!